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Tips on Testimonials

I read a lot of newsletters on direct mail. While reading this morning I ran across some great comments on how to get and choose the best testimonials.

Testimonials are so important in your marketing. They can increase they effectiveness of your piece by 50%. - They are HUGE.

If you don't have testimonials for your business go get some right now - I mean literally. Finish reading this post, pick up the phone call your best 10 best customers and get a testimonial. Tell them you will write it for them and email it. Tell them all they have to do is print it on their letter head and send it back. 

Ok... finish this...and then do your homework - get the testimonials!!!


Picking the Best Testimonials

By Tracy A. Gill, managing editor, Inside Direct Mail

In last month's Insider, I shared some of The Response Shop President Marla Hoskins' recommendations for good testimonial resources. So now that you have all of those glowing compliments, how can you tell which ones will both garner prospect attention and build your credibility? Freelance copywriter and consultant Lea Pierce offers up the following tips for how to separate the testimonial diamonds from the rough:

* The best testimonials back up your unique selling proposition.
* The real "gems" are specific, not general.
* One benefit per testimonial for maximum impact.
* Testimonials should describe results, the product's quality, fast delivery, reliability or top-notch customer service, and should be chosen to help answer any objections the prospect might have.
* Like fine crystal, real testimonials have a genuine ring to them. People can spot over-edited testimonials, not to mention fakes, a mile away. If you edit for legal considerations, brevity or to clean up misspellings, tread lightly.
* Testimonials that sound fake do more harm than good, even if they're true.