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A Genius Idea From A Fellow Member

We received an email from one of our Gold Members asking our opinion of a certain idea. The idea was OUTSTANDING! It was genius. And it can make him a boatload of money in the next year - and for years after that.

This member is a personal trainer. He's a degreed exercise physiologist, in fact. He has been doing general personal training for a few years - but since becoming a member, his mind has been racing about ways to niche and target.

So he found one. He found a niche. He found a target. It's a thing of beauty.

There are a few things that make it so perfect:

  1. The niche is easy to reach. No question who they are or where they are. You find them and have your message in their face within a week of deciding to target them.
  2. The people in this target have demonstrated and contuinually demonstrate a willingness and ability to spend money - and lots of it. In fact, these people spend so much money their friends laugh at them but their family pays for it - and even encourages it.
  3. The people in this target show enormous desire for the benefits that this member's service provides.

Do you have any guesses? Do you know what it is?

You see, this member will be able to run very targeted ads in very targeted magazines and on very targeted web site and be confident he is only speaking to the people in his target (very little waste).

He'll be able to charge double or triple his normal rate because he can custom tailor his service to the wants and needs and expectations of the target - and since there's no one else to get such customized and specific instruction from, the price truly exists in a vacuum.

He will have to do virtually no selling. The target's desire for his outcome is so strong, and the supply of what he's offering is so low, that the leads will almost generate and close themselves.

Finally, the target is very viral. Very talkative. After some small upfront effort, he'll likely be able to ride on word of mouth auto pilot and earn a comfortable living.

So what is the target?

I'm going to make you stretch your brains on this one.

Reply as a comment with your guess. The first person to get it right will win their choice of a printed copy of "The Little Red Book of Selling" by Jeffery Gitomer or "No BS Time Management For Entrepreneurs" by Dan Kennedy. Pretty strong.

So give it your best shot.

P.S. The reason I'm asking you to do this is simple - the more you practice targeting, the better you'll become. I recommend searching for ways other people could target and niche their businesses before you try it for your own business. It's easier to make gutsy decisions for other people (especially when they'll never happen). Then you can get used to the idea of doing it for yourself.