Systems Make Your Life Enjoyable, Simple and Prosperous Travis and I talk about systems a lot. Why? Because systematic processes are vitally important for the success of a small business or any business for that matter. So, what is a system anyway? A system is a duplicatable series of simple steps that generate a profit WITHOUT you being involved. Can you spot the power of this concept? The Power: It generates a profit without you being involved. Plus it’s a series of simple and duplicatable steps which means you can easily train people to do it for you. This frees [...]
We often mention the concept of “Entering the conversation already taking place in your customers’ minds.” It was first presented by Robert Collier (author of The Robert Collier Letter Book). The basic idea is to talk about what your customers are talking about. Just waltz right into their mind – break into their conversation – be on the same wavelength as them. That’s kind of what I want to talk about here – but in a more specific way. You see, why not combine this idea with the powerful mouthpiece of the press? Here’s what I’m talking about. Watch the [...]
Putting words on paper that cause people to take a desired action is the most profitable skill a small business owner or sales professional can learn. I often get asked if there are any secrets to banging out effective copy. The biggest secret I can tell you is to use a formula. Trying to write killer sales letters and ads from scratch is like trying to thread a needle with a garden hose. It’s damn near impossible. Here are some steps you can use to write effective copy. 1: Answer these questions first and use the answers when writing your [...]
Last month in our Gold Inner Circle we spent a lot of time talking about USP – Unique Selling Proposition (In our world a Gravitational Proposition – the statement that pulls customers to you as if being affected by a powerful, natural force). Many people think they understand this concept and some think that the concept is old and crusty. I would say to those people that you are totally wrong. Rosser Reeves (1910 – 1984) was an advertising genius that created the USP philosophy and many hard-core USP’s you probably know as slogans. Wonder Bread helps build strong bodies [...]
On the topic of testimonials, I want to share this recent example with you. I’m not doing this toot the gravitational horn – I’m doing this as an example of what you should look for in great testimonials. Quite simply, specificity. My favorite is specific results: 10x increase, 8 new clients, $14,000 in additional revenue, 67% fewer complaints, %95 fewer returns, 99% uptime, average wait time was 45 seconds, 27% less than the competition. What are the results of your service? Can you find people to tell you specific stories about their results? You see they’re believable. Broad claims like: lost [...]