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I Was Literally Shivering

I've recently become a fan of the TV show 24. As if I have time for this... Anyway, to make matters worse, WGN recently played all of season 1 during one weekend. I recorded every minute - and I must admit, have now watched every minute. So, in the middle of season 1, there's this scene where a member of a presidential candidate's staff is wired and acting as bait to lure out a terrorist. Now, I usually only get half-involved in TV or movies. I don't ask a lot and I don't expect a lot. But this scene was so absolutely intense that I realized I was shivering. I was physically affected by what was going on on the screen. So what? Here's my question. Can you do this in your marketing? What if your web site or your brochure or your sales letter or your sales presentation was so intense it physically affected people. Let me go this far...if your sales and marketing aren't effective, perhaps it's because they DO NOT physically affect people. I'm talking about making people feel hot, cold, nervous, nauseous, sad, mad, fearful, hopeful, etc. Make their skin crawl and their palms sweat. All buying decisions are made on emotions. But most selling attempts to be logical. Are you doing a good job of disconnecting from brain-affecting logic and embracing body-affecting emotions? Something to think about...