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The Two Habits Of Ultimate Success

It has been written about many times. Napoleon Hill covers this topic in his timeless classic, “Think and Grow Rich." Steven Covey touches on it in his book, "The 7 habits of Highly Successful People" and a personal favorite, Dan Kennedy’s book, "The Ultimate Success Secret," have all discussed what I am about to talk about but it is so, so, so very important that I have to write about it also.

If you have two people and they are both the same in all upbringing and education, what makes one successful and the other not?

Here are my Two Habits Of Ultimate Success.

The ability to look at things without ego and apply them to your business.

In everyday life you have to be an observer and a student. You have to be open minded to seeing what’s around you and what is working for other people in other businesses. You need to be a long distance radar for success, being able to see and track successful models for miles.

Most people find this difficult because they are either close minded, have blinders on or have such a big ego that they can’t see the forest for the trees. Just because something is not related to your business doesn’t mean its not applicable. Successful models are successful and they can be transferred across the borders of both markets and industry.

Don’t try to be the first to blaze a new path. This is the most difficult and expense thing you can do. You need to find what has worked in the past and come up with creative ways to apply those success principles to your own situation.

Pioneers are the ones lying on the side of the trail with tomahawks in their backs. You want to find success and duplicate it – it’s much easier and a lot less expensive. But you have to have an open mind to see the success around you. You have to be void of ego.

Ego has been proven to kill business success. If approach everyday in your business career thinking you know everything there is to know, that you know more than most people and there is nothing new for you to learn then you will never grow and you will never be successful.

Our good friend Adam Dudley has a book for evolving entrepreneurs about attracting mentors. In this book he discusses the enormous power of ego and its devastating effects on personal growth. You can learn more about Adam and his book at

The Second Habit of Ultimate Success Is Action

Without action there is nothing. There can be nothing. You will never achieve anything. One of the biggest mistakes marketers make in their advertising is that they leave out the call to action. Zig Zigler says that the biggest mistake most sales people make is that they don’t ask for the sale. And I am telling you that the biggest mistake most business people make is they don’t do anything. They don’t take action. It is very easy to get wrapped up in the details and minutia of a project or a business and never get to the action steps. You need to fast forward you thinking and start with the action and work out the details after the fact.

I was having a discussion with my mom the other day who has been an entrepreneur ever since I can remember. She has had many moderately successful businesses but none that have been huge. She was discussing with me the state of her current venture which is a small quick print and she had mentioned that the place hasn’t seen much growth in the last several years.

The reasons for this is many and I won’t go into them all, but she said that she was going to work aggressively to build it up. I asked what she was going to do. She had no action plan and she has not done anything in the last several years which is one of the reasons why the business is faltering.

So she hasn’t done anything in the last several years and she doesn’t have an action plan to grow the business now – My guess is that nothing is going to happen. You can not have any growth, success or movement with out an action plan and action.

Every day you go out into the business world, keep your eyes peeled and look with an open mind at what is out there. Seek out the successful people in other industries and ask them what they are doing. Remove your ego and learn from them. Then take the information you learn and create an action plan. Then IMPLEMENT IT!

You should be doing them same thing every time you encounter an opportunity to learn something new or from people who know more about a certain topic than you do – heck even people who you don’t think know more than you do – sometimes new insights can spark new ideas. But ideas aren’t need to learn how to take action on your ideas. You need to be able to capture them on paper and then do something about them.

These are the two most important skills you can master in life. If you can, you will skyrocket your success rates. Always read, learn and observe with a way to take notes. You should be taking notes right now. Seek out the experts and learn from them. Write down your thoughts as you listen and learn. Then make an action plan and create results.

Go make something happen right now!