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The Thing About The Rule Of Thirds

So…I admit it. I watch Idol. Actually, Ella likes it (can I use that as an excuse yet?). But I’m not ashamed…there were 47 million votes for American Idol last week…so just imagine how many other people must be watching. As I was watching last night, I found myself cheering for the loss of Brenna, who I despised. Brenna was arrogant and pushy and really turned me off – and she thought she was ‘all that.’ But then it struck me…isn’t she the definition of “rule of thirds?” You’re probably wondering what that is? It’s the fact that by and [...]

A Prime Example Of Continuity

What is continuity? I looked it up in the dictionary. Did you know that looking words up in the dictionary is UNCOMMON. A great man named Michael York taught me that. Not many people do that – you should try it frequently. Here is the definition of continuity… An uninterrupted succession or flow; a coherent whole. So you are probably thinking, “what is he talking about? What does continuity have to do with my business?” My answer to you… …everything – that is if you want to make a lot more money, accelerate cash flow and create predictable base of income. [...]

Selling Starts Early These Days

So, my little baby girl, Ella, was born a week ago today. I’ve spent most of the time since then in the hospital, then at home with momma, with a presentation to a national association stuffed in there on one of the days. Jimmy’s been here flying solo for a while now. One thing we learned…it’s hard to keep up a blog in the middle of all of this. But thanks to Ed Haskins for writing me this morning an prodding me to say something. It’s nice to know people missed me (;-) Ed gave me a great idea, so here goes. On [...]

Sometimes Even The Big Boys Get It Right

Saturday morning. Sleeping in. Food Network. Yeah… I noticed a TV ad for an Osteoporosis preventative (don’t remember the name now). Basically your typical drug ad – half disclaimer. But at the end, they made an offer for a free month (maybe it was a week) sample. Call direct. Brilliant! Imagine the implications: The company will be able to measure the effectiveness of their ads. If they use a different number on different networks, they’ll even be able to compare the networks against each other. But at the very least they’ll know if anybody us paying attention. By sampling they’ll [...]

What’s New? Here’s How To Break The News…

Man or woman, beard-less or mountain man, you have to admire the recent Gillette Fusion campaign. Admit it…you’ve seen it. And many of you are curious. The main thing I want to talk about here is the method they’ve used to release this. They’ve built anticipation. Gillette has been running commercials for a few weeks now “teasing” the new product – and promoting the release date. By doing this, they’ve created curiosity and anticipation in the minds of the shaving public. Sure, they could have just broken out on the scene with the new product on the release day – [...]