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The Mighty Impressive And Oh So Mini Mac

Please bear with me as I write this. There really is no clear marketing correlation here, and I don’t even know what my point will end up being, but I am certain along the way I’ll think of something. And I wanted to share this story with you. After the new year, Jim & I invested rather heavily in high-end audio recording equipment. Condenser microphones, pop filters, special stands, and something called an MBOX2, along with the premier audio editing software on the market. All this because we’re going to be producing a high volume of recorded materials in the [...]

Here’s Why It Won’t Work

Before reading this, check out the previous post entitled “A Simple & Effective Way To Make It Happen” The big problem is…the reason it won’t work is… I haven’t seen them advertise this anywhere but on the table tops of the Italian Restaurant. I am their target. I live in the neighborhood across the street. I’m married. I don’t have plans for V-Day. But I haven’t seen this yet. No mailer, no post card, no letter, no email, no mention at the chamber, no signs. They have a good offer and a good alliance and a good idea. But they will [...]

A Simple & Effective Way To Make It Happen

We frequently talk about and recommend using joint ventures as a method of marketing a business. At lunch yesterday, we ran across this gem. I really like this – and I think it can be very effective. As it happens, both of these companies are in the same strip of a sleepy little space. It’s truly a tough location. Nobody goes to this plaza – which is almost at the end of a long, winding road. Only one neighborhood lies past this shopping center. I personally know several business owners in this plaza – and they are struggling. But this [...]

EXPOSED: Your Customers’ Most Secret Desires

There’s one thing that every consumer in the world is seeking. It doesn’t matter if that person is a blue-collar worker or an executive for a Fortune 500 company. This “thing” is the same for everyone. And if you can help your potential customer find it, you will profit far beyond your competitors and dominate your market. What could this thing be? A solution? A resolution? An experience? A feeling? A benefit? A low price? A brand? Nope. Not even close. Consumers have other things they could be doing with their time than buying your product or service. They could [...]

What’s Wrong With This Picture

This is a picture of what we commonly refer to as a “Bandit Sign.” I love these little guys and for generating buzz on little budget they are worth their weight in gold. Bandit signs are great to create excitement around an event that is being advertised in other media. This is a sign that was positioned in front of Taco Bell/Long John Silver’s Combo. A place Travis and I frequent for lunch. I must have driven past this little stinker about a hundred times and with every pass I got sicker and sicker. If the patrons of Taco Bell [...]