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You Can’t Do Everything

This is a hard concept for most entrepreneurs and small business owners to grasp because by nature we are wired to do things ourselves. BUT, it is very important to learn this lesson early if ultimate success is your goal.

Niche And Grow Rich

A fellow Gold Member send us this article recently: It’s a good discussion about the necessity for small fitness business to find a niche. The advice in this article is crucial for almost every small business. It’s worth the read.

Kiss A Little Longer

I'm used to seeing junk advertising like this in scented, glossy magazines - but in the ultimate direct medium - mail? Why incur the cost of such a powerful medium only to forgo the true power of it - the accountability?

Make A Contribution To Science

While university studies are great - and I'm glad to have all the data possible - another sure fire way to prove this theory is to split test a mailing. Send half the list a logical argument and the other half an emotional appeal. See what you get.

Gas Comes Standard

The offer difference is the timing. Remember, you should aim for your message to be a confluence of the conversation already occurring in the minds of your prospects.