Each week, we meet with and speak to dozens of entrepreneurs and small business owners who share their frustrations with us about getting new business -- and recount their struggles to pay the bills, the employees, and themselves at the end of each week.
The common tale is that they seem to be doing everything correctly. They just don't know why it's not working the way they expected; they just don't know why it's so difficult to get more customers.
It seems that these glitzy ad folks have created this world, high above the rest of us, in the clouds, where getting new customers doesn't matter. Looks are more important than leads.
Vendors, colleagues, competitors, and even you can be your worst enemies at the point of sale. Think about your own business - and the process the customers you've paid to get must go through to do business with you. Is it worth paying for? Would it be worth returning? Would it be worth talking about? And importantly, when your back is turned, is it the same as it is when you're looking?