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You’ve Gotta Get Your Name Out There…

I wasn't speaking to those people to "get my name out there." I was interviewing them to find out "what they wanted" so I could sell it to them. It's as simple as that - and my name didn't have anything to do with it.

A Simple Way To Boost Your Image

I sat down to write an email to the pie man the other day because I needed to order a pie for my wedding anniversary and noticed something SHOCKING.

Now this really shouldn’t have been shocking to me because I see it all the time in business and it quite frankly drives me bonkers! 

Not Another Confederate Flag

At any rate, my mother, being the marketing genius she is, says, "Somebody really ought to consider specializing in making these things for military 'people'

The Unofficial and Incomplete Guide To Ending Cold Prospecting Forever

If you agree with me that cold calling, leaving voice mails that go unreturned, and thinking of BS excuses for people to have an appointment with you all suck, then this entry is for you.

There is a proven and relatively simple way of knocking all of that off and making interested prospects come to you.

Magic Mushrooms

He gives you a magic mushroom pill or something and you zonk out for several hours while he goes to work.

I like this a lot because he carves out a target up front (who this is for) then he makes a huge promise and makes it credible by saying “you just take a pill.” If he had stopped without telling me about the pill, my imagination would have me thinking up all kinds of weird alternatives, none of which would seem appealing. But a pill? No big deal.