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Pulling My Hair Out

Pretty basic when you think about it. But nobody does it. People just don’t have the guts. They get the microphone and they want to scream at the top of their lungs BUY ME!!!

Your Opinion Matters

You deserve to get the things you want. Period. There's absolutely no point in us creating information that you don't find valuable. So we're asking all of you to share your opinions.

A Genius Idea From A Fellow Member

  • The niche is easy to reach. No question who they are or where they are. You find them and have your message in their fac within a week of deciding to target them.
  • The people in this target have demonstrated and contuinually demonstrate a willingness and ability to spend money - and lots of it. In fact, these people spend so much money their friends laugh at them and their family pays for it - and even encourages it.
  • The people in this target show enormous desire for the benefits that this member's service provides.

  • My Advertising Isn’t Working…

    How do I know some other advertising meduim, or message is going to work. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars in the past two years with little to show for it.

    My Business Is Different

    Secondly, no business is different. In fact, real success comes from being able to monitor effective actions in one business or industry and apply them to your own. We all need to learn from what each other are doing.